Artificial intelligence, used by NASA and neurosurgeons, can reinvent education

Artificial intelligence delivered advances in the US space program and in medicine decades before it made headlines. Now, AI is poised to bring major improvements to American education, tech entrepreneur Alex Galvagni said in an exclusive interview in New York City with Fox News Digital. Galvagni is the CEO of Age of Learning, the California-based … Read more

The potentially dangerous asteroid NASA is currently most concerned about

While standing on planet Earth, it’s easy to forget that we’re sitting on a rock hurtling through the Solar System on a path that might collide with other (smaller) space rocks, mostly because we can’t feel that motion. If you ever feel like putting yourself completely at the mercy of random space rocks, we recommend … Read more

Hubble Revisits 40-Year-Old Mystery of Strange Star’s Nova


This artist’s concept shows the nova system HM Sagittae (HM Sge), where a white dwarf star is pulling material from its red giant companion. This forms a hot, blazing disk around the dwarf, which can unpredictably undergo a spontaneous thermonuclear explosion as the hydrogen inflow from the red giant thickens and reaches a tipping point. … Read more